Clinical Effect of Ureaplasma Urealyticum Colonization of Maternal Low Genital Tract and Premature Respiratory Tract on Neonatal Adverse Outcome.
Jae Young Shin, Sang Uk An, Tae Jung Sung
Neonatal Med. 2013;20(4):447-453.   Published online 2014 Jan 15     DOI:
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Clinical Effects ofUreaplasma urealyticumColonization in Maternal Vaginal Fluid at Second Trimester on Neonatal Outcomes of Premature Infant ≤35 Weeks' Gestational Age
Yea-Seul Han, Sang Hoon Chun, Ji Young Chun, Tae-Jung Sung
Neonatal Medicine.2017; 24(3): 123.     CrossRef