Birth Statistics and Mortality Rates for Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Korea during 2007: Collective Results from 57 Hospitals. |
Won Ho Hahn, Ji Young Chang, Chong Woo Bae |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea. |
2007년 한국의 전국 57개 종합병원에서 조사한 신생아 출생 및 신생아중환자실 사망률 통계 보고 |
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Abstract |
PURPOSE To evaluate the neonatal statistics on a national basis, data for birth characteristics and neonatal mortality were collected and analyzed from 57 hospitals in Korea. METHODS Questionnaires were distributed to determine the characteristics of neonatal births and mortality rates in 57 hospitals in Korea during 2007. We analyzed the characteristics of all inborn births and hospitalized neonates in the neonatal care units (NICUs) and compared the results with published Korean data from 1996 and 2002. RESULTS A total of 40,433 inborn live births were reported from the 57 hospitals during 2007. Pre-term, term, and post-term births comprised 24.2%, 75.6%, and 0.2% of the neonates, respectively. Low birth weight infants (LBWIs), very low birth weight infants (VLBWIs), and extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWIs) made up 22.0%, 4.6%, and 1.7% of the neonates, respectively. A total of 21,957 (collected by gestational period) and 21,356 (collected by birth weight) neonates were hospitalized in the 57 NICUs.
Pre-term, term, and post-term neonates comprised 39.8%, 59.8%, and 0.4% of the neonates, respectively. LBWIs, VLBWIs, and ELBWIs made up 37.3%, 9.5%, and 3.3% of the neonates, respectively. Pre-term, term, and post-term neonates had mortality rates of 4.5%, 0.7%, and 3.7%, respectively, while the mortality rates of LBWIs, VLBWIs, and ELBWIs were 4.7%, 15.3%, and 32.2%, respectively. In comparison with prematurity data from 1996 and 2002, LBWIs, and ELBWIs had a marked increase in birth frequency and a decreased mortality rate in Korea during 2007. CONCLUSION The number of live births and the survival rate of pre-term neonates, especially VLBWIs and ELBWIs, are increasing. Even though the outcomes of neonatal care are improving, further efforts to manage these premature infants are needed. |
Key Words:
Newborn; Statistics; Birth rate; Mortality; Premature; Low birth weight infant; Neonatal intensive care unit |